Migrating from TensorFlow to ML.NET


Whatsuper is one of my personal projects. It’s an app which aggregates supermarket deals and discounts and displays them for the user. The user can search for specific products (by title) or filter them based on categories, e.g. show all products from categories Fruit and Meat. They can also receive notifications based on these filters, so when a new discount is added, they will receive a push notification.

Every night new entries are added and they need to be categorized in one of the mentioned categories.

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Enhancing Docker build pipelines based on external tags

2020-11-03 .net docker


In my last blog post I’ve described how you would use process isolation in your .NET project.

However, it caused a new problem: you would need to manage multiple Docker images for your own images, e.g.:

  • myregistry.com/mssql/windows:ltsc2016
  • myregistry.com/mssql/windows:ltsc2019
  • myregistry.com/mssql/windows:1903
  • myregistry.com/mssql/windows:1909
  • myregistry.com/mssql/windows:2004
  • myregistry.com/mssql/windows:2009

So, instead of having a single image, you would need to have six times as much now. This post will give you some tools and hints on how to solve this problem.

⚠️ This post will talk about Microsoft and .NET, however the solution is platform and language agnostic. It can be used whether you are using .NET, Python, Linux, FreeBSD, Java etcetera. It does not matter. As long as you want to query a Docker registry API to base your images on.

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.NET, Docker and Visual Studio

2020-10-23 .net docker


At my employer, theFactor.e, we started using Docker containers for our .NET application development. Since we have multiple developers with different Windows versions (Windows 10 (ranging from versions 1903 to 2004) and Windows Server 2016 / 2019) we used the default isolation mode (which was a mix of Hyper-V and process isolation modes).

This blog post will address this issue and will make sure we will use the correct image version so we can always use process isolation 🥳.

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Home network

2020-10-14 home

People sometimes ask me what my personal network is like, so here I will give some insight.

Global overview

network diagram


  • pfSense: here’s where it all starts. It handles my inbound and outbound traffic.
  • Raspberry Pi: running Domoticz to manage my lights, read electricity usage
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